Why it’s best not to comment on weight loss

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

            Have you or a friend ever lost weight unintentionally and people started complimenting you? Have you ever heard someone even at the grocery store compliment someone they bumped into for losing weight? This is SO common. 

            When someone sees you, right away they see your appearance. So, yes it may be noticeable if you’ve lost weight. But that does not mean anyone should comment on it.

            You might be thinking…”Why not??” Let me explain why complimenting someone on weight loss can be extremely detrimental to an individual:


●      They may have lost weight in an unhealthy way

●      They might have an eating disorder

●      They may be sick (ex: cancer)

●      Complimenting someone on weight loss will only make them strive for more compliments and lose more weight

●      They may think they were unworthy of love and respect before they lost weight


            These examples are a huge reason why complimenting someone on weight loss does more harm than good. You would never comment on someone gaining weight to their face, so why would you comment if they lost weight? 

            This is because our society views weight loss as one of the biggest accomplishments when it is simply not. Weight loss and weight gain can both be a negative or positive thing depending on someone’s situation.

            Someone’s appearance should never be the talk of the table, as you do not know what that person may be dealing with behind closed doors.

            Instead, accept all for how they are and how they show up. Even if they do look different, they are still the same person on the inside. You may compliment them on their hair, their outfit, their smile, or even their contagious laughter. But remind yourself that everyone, including yourself, is more than their appearance. The kind of person one is should outweigh everything else.


Non-weight related compliments


What if your partner or friend wants to change their body?