
You're desperate to shield your daughter from the same destructive thoughts about her body and the same disordered relationships with food that you had growing up. 

But let’s face it, that’s not easy. It might even feel scary, or like you’re losing part of your identity. 

You may even feel like a failure right now. 

You’ve failed your daughter. You’ve failed the diet. You’re failing the Biggest Loser challenge in your mom group.  

How are you supposed to live a healthy lifestyle without gaining all sorts of weight if you “give up” the diet that has defined your life for the past 20+ years?

Your time is now.

It’s hard, Mama. The weight of the world is on your shoulders right now. 

You are probably feeling:

  • Tired of the emotional rollercoaster of dieting.

  • Done trying to hide your body in clothes.

  • Sick to your stomach by the thought of your daughter having an unhealthy relationship with food.

  • Trying to set a healthy example for your daughter, but all you know is dieting… which you know is not healthy.  

  • Worried that your daughter will grow up hating her body and spending most of her life on diets… just like you. Or worse, that she’ll blame you for it. 

  • Disappointed by how you show up as a mom because you are constantly thinking about food.

  • Scared that you will become isolated from your family and friends due to your inability to enjoy food without spiraling out of control. 

Although it feels completely overwhelming, you know that you need to make a change. Though she’s young, your daughter is perceptive, and she already started noticing your habits and behaviors around food. 

And that terrifies you. How could she possibly notice these things already? 

You’re ready to make a change because you know that you’re not just doing this for you. You’re doing this for her… and for her healthy future. 

You and your daughter deserve a peaceful, joyful, and healthy life. 

You need to know Mama that you (and she) deserve to:

  • Nourish your body with all foods without shame, judgment, or guilt. 

  • Make beautiful memories around the family dinner table. 

  • Go out for family functions or girls night without worrying about what you’re allowed to eat, or what you’re going to wear. 

  • Nurture healthy relationships between food and your overall wellbeing. 

  • Find balance and enjoyment in joyful movement.  

  • Live a life that is not preoccupied by counting almonds, measuring portion sizes, and tracking points. 

  • Discover peace and comfort in food, and love for your body. 

  • Enjoy love, laughter, and food — regardless of your body size and without the huge side of guilt after.  

You deserve to NEVER go back on a diet again. So don’t. 

But to do that, you need somebody by your side.

You need a support system to listen with an open mind and an open heart, when you’re in the middle of your most difficult food crisis. 

You need a cheerleader who will always have your back and remind you of how incredible you are, and reassure you that you’re doing a great job.

You need an educator who spent 6 years studying nutrition and has over 1,400 hours of clinical experience to gently guide you through the process of relearning a new approach to looking at food, and at life. 

In my signature program, Ditch the Diet, you are going to transform your life and your daughter’s future. 


Your Diet-Free Life Awaits

With this 3-month concierge program, I will help you find peace in your relationship with food and teach you how to love your body so you can protect your young daughter from a lifetime of harmful dieting. 

In this completely individualized program, which was created specifically for moms with young daughters, you will learn how to:


Ditch the Diet Mindset

Identify and break the good foods vs. bad foods rules that control your mindset.


Trust your Body Again

Discover your body’s natural hunger and fullness signals. Start practicing mindful eating techniques. 


Accept your Body

Accept your body and appreciate all that your healthy functioning body does for you. Stop the negative body thoughts from taking over.


Incorporate Joyful Movement

Learn what type of movement feels good to you. Create healthy movement habits with a free meeting with an exercise physiologist.


Handle the Diet Noise

Learn how to handle diet talk around family or at social events. End the comparison game. Discover ways to enjoy food without feeling like you're going to spiral out of control.


How Ditch the Diet Works

I hope you like me Mama, because over the next three months, we are about to become food besties. There is no need for you to go through this struggle alone, that’s what I’m here for. 

In the Ditch the Diet program, you will get:

  • A personalized assessment to help uncover your harmful diet habits so I can put together a plan to support your unique needs.  

  • Access to a personality assessment (Enneagram anyone?) so that I can tailor the program to your learning style. 

  • Immediate free access to a private app where you can reach out to me anytime you need support, have a food question, a shoulder to cry on, or a cheerleader to celebrate your wins.

  • A fully customized approach to transform your relationship with food and with your body. 

  • A free consultation with an exercise physiologist to help you discover your form of joyful movement. 

  • Mindset, food, and body image related tools and resources to support your transformation.

  • 8 live consultation calls

    • Weekly calls in month 1.

    • Biweekly calls in months 2 and 3.

  • Biweekly virtual check-ins during months 2 and 3 opposite our biweekly calls… so you never have to go a week without me. :) 

In the Ditch the Diet program, you will transform your mindset, actions and behaviors… so you can have the peace of mind to know that your daughter will learn to love food and her body… just like you. 

You will go from being stuck in a diet mindset where food controls all of your thoughts, actions, and energy, to feeling free and in control of all your choices. 

You will finally feel capable of being present with your kids again as you stop wasting time getting angry at the scale, pinching your stomach in the mirror, and obsessing over your pants size. 

Mama, it’s time for you to Ditch the Diet! 

You’re ready to Ditch the Diet if you:

  • Have been on diets for most of your life and don’t know how to get out of the diet mindset.

  • Are scared that your daughter will grow up with a broken relationship with food and her body.

  • Want to feel confident in your body again. 

  • Are ready to transform your life and be present for your kids so that dieting does not take up so much precious brain space.

  • Feel lost and don’t know where else to go, but know you NEED to get out of the diet mindset. Now. 

  • Are prepared to change your habits, even if it will be difficult, and need an accountability partner who will refuse to let you fail. 

  • Want to exercise because it is fun and not because you have to burn calories to stay on track. 

Ditch the Diet is not for you if you’re:

  • Looking for your next diet program. In case it wasn’t clear, we’re ditching diets here.

  • Trying to cut an entire food group out of your life. All food nourishes you — even the carbs and the sweets — and we make space for all of them. 

  • Solely focused on weight loss. Sure, you might lose weight as a result of your healthier relationship with food, but that’s not the primary goal here. The goal is help you get healthy. 

  • Not a mom or if you’re a teenager or other young adult. I specialize in working with moms, and am happy to refer you to someone who specializes in you. 

  • Currently dealing with an active eating disorder. If you’re reading this, please feel free to reach out and let me connect you with someone who can help you. 

You don’t have to struggle with food and your body anymore.

Today is a new day — the day where you transform your life and your daughter’s future.

If you’re ready to get started, I would be honored for you to apply to the Ditch the Diet Program.