Non-weight related compliments

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

If you’re trying to be more conscious about commenting on people’s bodies and overall appearance, then this blog post is for you. Maybe you’re used to complimenting people on weight loss because of how you grew up, but want to finally end that cycle. There are so many other things you can compliment about a person besides their weight!


            Here is a list of non-weight related compliments (there are a ton!!)


●      You look so radiant today!

●      Your laugh is so contagious!

●      You have accomplished so much

●      You have the best sense of humor

●      You are such a hard worker

●      You are one of the strongest people I know!

●      You are a great mom 

●      You look super confident

●      Thank you for being so understanding!

●      You’re so artistic and creative

●      I could trust you with anything

●      You are so personable!

●      You are empowering

●      I am glad you exist

●      You’re doing the best that you can

●      You have such a big heart

●      You are so intelligent

●      You make me want to be a better person

●      You make a difference in this world


            I could go on with this list forever - really! I hope this list could give you a better understanding of compliments outside of one’s weight and appearance. It is ok to compliment someone if you think their outfit or hair looks stunning, but keep one’s weight out of the conversation. It is unneeded and can be hurtful no matter the circumstance.

            This is your sign to give a few non-weight related compliments to some of your loved ones today and see how bright their smile becomes!

            Compliments like these can really change a person’s whole day and boost their confidence more than you know! It is truly a great feeling to feel appreciated.

            If you haven’t heard any compliments today, then please reread this list and know most can be about you too! :)


Do you tend to choose bigger clothes?


Why it’s best not to comment on weight loss