A note to the WFHM and SAHM

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Hi to all the mamas reading this! With the pandemic creating a new norm for us, I know many of you are working from home while also trying to homeschool your kids. Some of you may have a newborn, a toddler, or a child in school - ALL is a challenge.

First off, you are doing great! You’re doing the best you can to juggle all that life has been throwing at you. But let’s make sure we aren’t neglecting ourselves in the process. Happy mama = happy family!

Have you eaten a nourishing meal today? Have you had any water? If you can, try to take a break from work to walk a bit, or stretch. Do your best to not overwork yourself. I know what you’re thinking.. “But how can I NOT overwork myself with all my responsibilities??” 

Here are a list of things you can do right now & everyday to ensure a less stressful environment:

●      Again, eat! If you feel you don’t have time, try prepping a few items over the weekend that you can continuously heat up through the week.

●      Keep a huge water bottle by you at all times. Hydration = energy, less headaches, less fatigue and more.

●      Get in a routine with your children. Make sure their computers are set up for homeschooling in a dedicated spot. For younger children, try taking out a new toy or putting on a new movie to intrigue them.

●      Ask for help. Don’t be ashamed! If your partner is home, or other family members can help you, don’t be nervous to ask.

●      Rest. Try to nap when baby naps, or watch TV with your children to unwind. If you rather move to release stress, go for a walk. (Whatever makes you feel good!!)

●      Try setting a bedtime, so you know you can have a couple hours of “you” time each night.


This new norm has been crazy for everyone, and it has been difficult to adjust. Our everyday lives were just thrown upside down, and now mamas are expected to do even more than before! The good thing is, you can. You may feel like you can’t, but here you are doing it because you are an amazing mom! If you’re reading this early on in the day, and you haven’t even thought about dinner yet, take this as a sign to order your favorite food. You deserve it!


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