Let’s chat about the gym

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Do you go to the gym all the time? Or do you want to go to the gym, but feel like there’s no point, so you wind up staying home? There may have been a time where you went to the gym six days a week, and maybe now the last time you went was months ago. Trust me, I get it. I didn’t go to the gym in probably six months or more until a few days ago. If this sounds like you, it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is completely normal - especially during a pandemic!!

Although I don’t know all of you lovely ladies individually, I am sure you guys can resonate with the fact that the gym can become an unhealthy environment. By this I mean we make it an unhealthy environment. Pushing ourselves to go too many days a week, or when you need a rest day is super unhealthy. On the other hand, we may stop going over the fear of being judged and looked at while there. I have been on both sides of this spectrum!


I finally purchased my own gym membership at a gym where I feel comfortable, and I know I am available to go Tuesdays-Fridays. Here are some ways I am going to make the gym a healthy environment for me:


●      I’m going to listen to my body (Maybe one day I’ll want to do weight training for an hour, and the next I’ll want to stretch for 20 minutes.)

●      I won’t force myself to go every day that I’m available (Just because I am free Tuesday-Friday doesn't mean I have to go all of those days!)

●      Some days I may choose to walk my dogs as movement, and that’s fine!

●      Eat a nourishing meal before going, so I am fueled and filled with energy for my workout!

●      Never forget what I need to feel comfortable. (EX: my own water bottle, change of clothes, headphones, a hand towel, etc.)

●      And not comparing myself to anyone at the gym! This is your journey. Learning how to listen to your body and build a healthy relationship with your body can be challenging enough, but you’ve got this!!


Remember - if going to the gym is truly not your thing, that’s completely ok. You can do home workouts, bike, swim, hike, yoga, or any other movement that makes you feel happy and release stress. The point of movement is to make you feel good!


A note to the WFHM and SAHM


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