The power of community

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

When you’re feeling down about a situation, you might shut down and hold it all inside. Does this sound like you? You probably know by now, that isn’t the best resolution to any problem.

            Maybe you feel like you aren’t sure who you can turn to in a time of need, and no one will understand.

            This is when groups and communities can really benefit you!! If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like to share your personal business with others, I get it! But any community of strangers can eventually become friends (or maybe you develop a connection with one person!)

            The thing is, even if you are that type of person, you can still sit in and listen to other people. This may encourage you to speak yourself, or just generally inspire you!


Here are some benefits to joining a community:


●      There are now many people who understand your feelings/emotions

●      You have support no matter what, you are not alone

●      You can share your own stories/advice

●      Hearing someone else’s troubles or advice can be inspiring

●      You get the sense that you “belong” somewhere

●      Hey, you may even make some lifelong friends!!


            If you’re someone who feels like you need help in a certain area of your life, I am sure hundreds if not thousands of others also need help! This is why coming together and helping each other out can be so empowering! Know that you are not alone, and you are worthy of getting the support you need!

            I think the majority of people can say they find comfort in knowing a peer, friend, or family member has gone through a similar situation as them. You can get that same comfort in groups and communities! 


P.S.- If you are ready to be part of a community and change your relationship with food and your body then you can apply for a spot in the small group coaching program! This is your chance to finally break free from the diet noise, find peace with food and your body, be a positive role model for your kids or future kids, and be with a small community of women who want you to succeed as much as I do!

Apply here:



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