Hunger and Fullness Cues

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

If you’ve ever struggled with an eating disorder or disordered eating, your hunger and fullness cues may be affected. You might not know how to identify when you’re hungry or when you’re full because of previous restrictions or binge eating. Even if you’re working on gaining a more positive relationship with food and your body now, it can still be hard. Although this may seem like a simple thing for some, it can truly be a challenge to have to relearn.

            It is important to note that everyone may have different hunger and fullness cues. We are all unique, and experience everything in a variety of ways. If you’re new to the intuitive eating journey, you may be curious on how to listen to your body.


Hunger cues may look like:

●      Stomach growling

●      Thinking of food

●      Or even as simple as checking the time thinking, “Is it time for lunch yet?”

●      Moody or irritable 


Fullness cues may be:

●      Increase in mood

●      Full

●      No stomach growls

●      Increase in energy

●      Feeling of content

●      No longer thinking about food


            It is best to avoid ever waiting until you’re super hungry to eat! When you’re super hungry, you may overeat and then feel even more uncomfortable. How do we avoid this? Do not be scared to snack in between meals to keep your energy level up and mood even better! We’ve all experienced being hangry(hungry + angry) before, and it is not fun! The same goes for overeating. 

            Your body will tell you exactly what it needs, but it really takes time to learn and understand your cues! Start by being more conscious everyday, and take a mental note of how you feel before and after each meal. With some practice, you will be an expert at knowing your hunger and fullness cues!


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