Let’s chat about clothing sizes

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Have you ever been excited to go shopping, you walk into a store, pick up your size, go try it on and then it doesn’t fit? I’ve been there too!

           I’ve even let it ruin my day more times than I can count. This is when my relationship with my body was not at its best! As I continued working on body neutrality and self acceptance, I noticed myself not caring about the number on a pair of jeans anymore. I know that sizing at every store is different, and it doesn’t need to affect my whole day!

           If something doesn’t fit, I go grab a different size. A small little number that nobody sees should not determine how you feel about yourself! I know it may be hard, but you deserve to rock your favorite style jeans (or any clothing!!) without guilt or shame!


Recently I asked my Instagram following this simple question:


Are you a different size depending what store you’re in?


            As expected, I found that almost 100% of people voted that they are ALWAYS  different sizes depending what store they’re in. This goes for all body types, weights, shapes, etc. 

            There were a lot of people who messaged me about their experiences when they went shopping. A handful of women told me that in their closet they have several different sizes that fit them the exact same. 

           This may seem a little obvious, but a tip that’s always helped me through sizing issues, is taking my regular size, a size below, and a size above! Going into the fitting room prepared always takes my stress around the situation away. 

            Although this question is brief, I knew asking my following would help you all to know you are not alone. Clothing is definitely not a one size fits all scenario. It is so common to be different sizes depending what store you are shopping at. 

            This just goes to show that size does NOT mean anything. The number on your jeans or the letter on your shirt does not determine your sense of worth! Remember, we are NOT meant to fit clothes, but clothes are meant to fit us!


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