Signs your exercise habits have become unhealthy

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

I’ve been there, you start exercising regularly again, and you’re feeling really good. (Regularly means whatever feels good for you! For some people it might be five days a week, and for others it might be one!) 

Although you’ve always struggled with your relationship with food and your body, you’re trying to add in movement to feel better, get stronger, and improve your mindset! You finally feel like you may be healing! start dreading your next workout. You constantly think about the next time you’re able to go to the gym. You change your order at a restaurant to something with less calories. You feel defeated after resting all day. This is when you need to stop and reflect.

Ask yourself, “Why do I workout?” The healthy goal may be to get stronger, to feel good, or to move your body. If you’re working out simply to change your appearance, you may be doing more harm than good.

Something that may start off feeling so good can still become unhealthy. Read below to know the warning signs.


How to know your relationship with exercise is becoming unhealthy


●      You get anxiety about missing a work out

●      You feel guilty taking rest days

●      You start obsessing over progress

●      You compare yourself to others

●      You’re more focused on how you look than how you feel


            If you think your relationship with exercise is becoming unhealthy, then take a break. It is best to do some reflecting, and not force yourself to exercise. If you’re home and you want to go for a walk, then do it. Notice your body cues, and learn to listen to your body naturally. You’ve got this!


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