“health” foods aren’t always better

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Just about everyone has had a time in their life when they chose a “thin” “skinny” or “healthy” food option.

            You’re walking down the aisle of a grocery store, and you come across your favorite Oreos. You get so excited, but then you glance over and see the Thin Oreos. In your head you’re probably thinking, “I should get those instead.”

            I’m here to tell you no no no!! Those are just your intrusive thoughts that have been crammed in your head from diet culture.

            You may think you’re being “good” by buying the Thin Oreos instead of the regular Oreos, but you know you’re going to wind up eating the whole box. (Hey, that could be ok sometimes!) But the reason you’re eating the whole box is because you’ve restricted yourself from simply enjoying the classic Oreos. 

            Another great example would be Halo Top ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, even I enjoy some of their flavors. But if Ben & Jerry’s had the same flavor, I would much rather that. If you genuinely enjoy certain “thin” “skinny” or “healthy” food options more then that’s perfectly fine as well!

            The reason you pick up the Halo Top in the first place is because it’s known for its low calories! You pick it up, and you don’t feel guilty. But, that’s the problem. You shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying some Ben & Jerry’s!

             The point is, eat what you want. You do not have to choose the “healthier” option if that’s not what you prefer. Diet culture and society has taught us for so long that some foods are “good” while other foods are “bad.” This is completely untrue. The health foods that are constantly advertised are not always better for you. Just because they’re less calories or contain less sugar does not mean they’re the healthier version for you!


PS Don’t restrict yourself. 


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