Thanksgiving Affirmations

Written by Angelica Gudalupe, Intern

Thanksgiving. What’s the first thing that came into your mind when you read that? Was it mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, and pumpkin pie? Or was it dieting, restriction, and negative comments?

            Well, if it was dieting, restriction, and negative comments, maybe it is time to get rid of that mindset, and start fresh. Don’t you want to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner? I know for some this can be a huge challenge, and that’s ok. But what’s not ok, is letting it continue and consume you. Your negative body image and poor relationship with food doesn’t have to last forever.

            It is super important to set boundaries, whether it’s with family members, or with yourself! Do not allow someone to criticize you for what’s on your plate, and more importantly do not allow yourself to criticize your food choices. 

            For some, not thinking about dieting after Thanksgiving can feel impossible. You may punish yourself for eating comfort foods you enjoy, and force yourself to work out extra hard. 

            Do you want to have a healthy relationship with food, and no longer punish yourself for eating an extra slice of pumpkin pie? We are here to tell you, it can be done!

            The owner of Methodd Nutrition, Gabi Kahn, and I will be hosting a FREE zoom call November 9th all about holiday survival and how affirmations play a huge role! Affirmations are short positive phrases you repeat to yourself in order to change your mindset and language. 


Below is a link to be added to the zoom call, and we hope to see each and every one of your lovely faces! Now is the time for change!


Here is a sneak peak of some of our Thanksgiving Affirmations: 

●      It is ok to grab an extra serving

●      I am happy when I eat dessert

●      I allow myself to eat freely

●      I can have wine if I want to

●      I don’t need to explain myself

●      I listen to my body & what it needs

●      I will eat until I am satisfied

●      I allow myself to become full


Social Media Detox


Halloween Affirmations