
Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and wished you looked different? Maybe scrolling through social media and wishing you looked like this girl and that girl. (She’s probably doing the same exact thing!)

            Maybe you’re a mom and your body has changed and adjusted through every kick and squirm of your child. Your body expanded to hold human life, but you still catch yourself saying negative things about your body.

            My message to you is: please do not photoshop or edit your body. The girl you are comparing yourself to may only show the amazing parts of her life and not the raw, authentic parts. Another girl may be photoshopping her body, blurring her stretch marks out, and putting filters on her photos to cover any evidence of cellulite. 

            The point is, social media is not always real. It doesn’t portray people’s real lives. It will only hurt you to compare yourself to people on the internet. Showing your wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, and more is real. You are you ONLY. 

            Altering your body is only going to cause your relationship with your body to worsen overtime. Comparing your real body to the photoshopped one can deteriorate any progress you’ve made with yourself. 

            Mama, you’ve got this. Stop caring what people think, you only have one body for the rest of your life. Treat yourself with kindness and accept yourself through every change.

            Trust me, there are other people out there who feel the exact same way. If you were to not blur your photos you may impact another mama to not blur their photos and begin normalizing all these normal things. 

            Remember, just because one person “snapped back” after a week of giving birth, doesn’t mean you have to or will. Everyone’s body is different and will react in completely unique ways. Although you may not look like the girl from social media, doesn’t mean you are not equally as beautiful or equally as worthy of love and respect.


Memorial Day Weekend


Mother’s Day