Mother’s Day

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Hi mamas, I hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day last week! Whether you went out to eat, made a homemade meal, or just chilled out for once, I am glad you were celebrated. 

Now that Mother’s Day has passed, I want to make sure you all know how appreciated you are even after a day dedicated to you!

 Your kids look up to you, and watch every single move you make. When you look back in five years, you’ll want to relive the memories and have pictures that you weren’t afraid to jump into. 

When your kids look at pictures of you guys together they’re going to remember happiness, fun times, and a mom who loves them so much! They’re not looking at your body or criticizing the way you’re posing.

Have you ever looked at a photo you were in and thought, “OMG I look like that?” or “I look so fat..” These phrases are coming from a place of insecurity and a long history of negative body image and body talk. 

Remember mama, your body carried your children and gave life to this world. You are so strong and a rockstar!! Your body is bound to change, and although you may look or feel different, that doesn’t mean you are a different person.

You are enough, you are appreciated, and you are allowed to change! One of the greatest gifts in the world is being a mom, and you’re doing the best you can!

Although it takes time and patience, trying to boost your confidence and nourish your body everyday will make all the difference in five years. You will be so happy you jumped in those photos and created memories with your children while also building a better relationship with yourself!

You are an amazing mom, but imagine how you’ll feel if you gave yourself the same affection you gave your children! Don’t forget you are worthy of that too.




Cinco De Mayo Strawberry Margarita