Memorial Day Weekend

Written by Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

As the weather is seemingly getting nicer, and our world is becoming more “post-covid” we may tend to feel a bit more cheery than usual. Memorial Day is right around the corner, and you might be seeing your friends and family for the first time in a while!

            Although this is exciting, someone who has a negative relationship with food and their body may experience a lot of anxiety around this.

            Some family and friends probably don’t know what intuitive eating is or have never struggled with body image or disordered eating before. They might talk about fad diets and not even realize the harm they are doing. If this sounds like someone you know, please try to speak up and tell them the facts about fad diets (95% of diets do not work, or there are no long-term results.) If you’re not quite there yet, maybe tell them you’re not comfortable speaking about this topic or try changing the subject.

            It can be hard enough with all the BBQ food around to remind yourself it is ok to enjoy it and the last thing you need is someone to comment on it. Chances are, there is another person there who may feel the exact same way.


Keep in mind these few tips this holiday:

●      You can eat as much BBQ food as you want!

●      You can wear shorts if it’s hot outside.

●      If someone’s appearance has changed, no one needs to comment on it.

●      Stay away from diet talk/tell them it makes you uncomfortable


            After the past year we’ve had, you deserve to put on shorts, eat good food, and enjoy your friends and family without feeling uncomfortable. I know it can seem scary to stand up for yourself, but when you start, you will feel so much better. A weight lifted off your shoulders knowing you can talk to your company without the fear of them talking about a new diet or weight-loss trend is incomparable. 


            Happy Memorial Day and I hope everyone gets the chance to take a day off and  celebrate! You’ve got this, mama!


What if your partner or friend wants to change their body?

