Things that have absolutely no clue what your body wants or needs

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Your body is most likely playing games with you. Social media, TV, magazines, family members, friends, etc. all play a huge role in how you view yourself. You may even come to forget how to tell what you truly want/need.


            Things that have absolutely no clue what your body wants or needs:


-       The scale

-       A calorie app

-       Measuring Tools

-       A diet plan

-       Celebrities’ “tips & tricks”

-       Social media influencers

-       Anyone else besides you!!!!!


Reading this list, you know that you have let at least one of these things consume you at a point in your life. All of these things have no idea what your body needs! They are not aware of your hunger levels, hunger cues, cravings, or fullness levels. Even if the person next to you is the same age, height, weight, etc. they will feel completely different than you!

The problem with these things is that they are all centered around weight loss. We already know dieting does more harm than good! Any fad diet might help you shed some pounds, but once you get off of it you will feel immediate guilt and shame, and gain the weight back. The things listed are just dangerous tools that will lead to restriction, fatigue, irritability, and more. Restriction is what society has taught us will get us far, but when has it ever? Restriction is a negative word, and will always be a negative word. 

It can be a challenge, but start to truly listen to your body. Start by incorporating a carb, protein, and fat in each meal. This will help you to stay full and satisfied. This will also help you get a better idea of your hunger/fullness cues. You’ve got this!!



The comparison game


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