5 things you gain when you let go of dieting

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

There are so many things that you lose when you start dieting, but the most important thing you lose isyourself. Once you start to diet, you lose yourself in the process and get consumed and obsessed with the food you eat, your weight, and all the changes of your body. Instead, let’s talk about things you gain when you let go of dieting!


What do you GAIN when you LET GO of dieting?


-       Knowing your hunger cues & learning how to listen to your body

-       Anxiety around dating, social events, family members, etc.

-       Learning how to make your movement fun instead of forced

-       Ability to focus on other things besides food & your body

-       Gradual confidence that comes with knowing you are enough at any size


These five things are crucial to your overall well-being. You will gain your happiness back when you end the damaging diet cycle, and cut it out of your life for good.  Think about it for a moment - have you ever truly been happy when you were dieting?


The answer is most likely, no. Your happiness should be your number one priority ALWAYS. Do you want to feel good? Do you want to be more confident? Do you wish you had less anxiety the days you just wanted to have fun? Then stop dieting. This may be harder said than done, but I know YOU can do it.


One more thing you GAIN when you LET GO of dieting is control of your life again! Once you start changing your language, and allowing


Things that have absolutely no clue what your body wants or needs


Toxic Phrases