Testimonial- J, New York Mom

It is an absolute honor to receive a testimonial like this one! I truly love working with my mamas and J worked so hard to get where she is now in the non-diet mindset, feeling confident in her body and a role model for her kids. She wrote the most beautiful testimonial and I want to share it with you. Maybe you can relate to some of it, get a better idea of how the program can help you and maybe it even provides you some hope and inspiration that you can be free from the diet mindset once and for all!

Why were you looking to join my Ditch the Diet program? 

I was looking to join your program because I was exhausted. I was so tired of doing the same thing day in and day out, obsessing over food, obsessing over the scale, not truly living in the moment and I needed to really gain knowledge on how to free myself from that so I can live a food free life but also set the proper example to my kids. My children are young now but I knew it was only a matter of time before they would grow up and pick up on things I do and never wanted to impress my food fears unto them.

What were you looking to achieve through working together? 

I was hoping to achieve full food freedom. I was hoping to gain confidence in myself that I am enough. I am beautiful no matter what size I am or what the scale says. I eat for joy, I eat to nourish my body, sometimes I eat because I am emotional and that is OK. None of it makes me a failure and feeling secure in all of those things can provide me a more fulfilling life when it comes to food.

Did you achieve these goals?


How would you describe your experience in my program? 

My experience with your program was awesome! I wasn’t sure what to expect because I had never done anything like this before but just based on your social media posts it seemed like you truly understood the struggle. I would always be so intimidated by programs because I am like there is just no way someone can make me stop binge eating when I haven’t been able to do it myself for all these years, but the truth is, it can! 

How would you describe working with me?

It was truly a pleasure. You are just so sweet and kindhearted I always felt supported and never judged. You provided me with all of the tools and guidance, I needed to navigate these uncharted waters and it really helped me gain so much perspective. My food therapist so to speak! I love that you were able to ebb and flow with what I needed, if some days it was more, you were there for me through that, if I had an excellent week and needed less, I was riding the wave of that with you supporting me! It was the perfect mix of getting all of the help I needed without feeling overwhelmed by your program.

How has your life been changed through our working together? 

My life has become full of more joy. I used to get so stressed out about going somewhere that food was involved or wearing something that I thought may expose some parts of my body that I wasn’t comfortable with but now, I feel like I have such a healthier mindset about food that I can go anywhere and listen to my hunger cues and eat whatever it is I want. I no longer binge eat! I used to always have that on/off mentality “If I go to this party, I will eat today and then tomorrow I will start my diet again” and we all know how that cycle goes. It went on for 20+ years but for the first time in the longest time, I feel food freedom and because I feel that freedom, I don’t feel that desire to go overboard. Wearing clothes that may have shown a little too much of a chubby roll here or there would immediately go back in the closet for me but NOW, I put it on. I am more confident in myself because this is who I am. I don’t NEED to work on changing my body to fit what society thinks, I am beautiful just the way I am. I love exhibiting these feelings and new attitude now because I know it is setting the right example for my children. 


Has your life changed in other ways as a result of working together?

My scale obsession has been my biggest hurdle along the way with this program. I would obsessively weigh every day. Now, I can go a few days without weighing and to me, this is such a huge accomplishment. Not tracking that number is such a huge freedom to my entire journey. I could NEVER do that before because it was me giving up all control and then I would think oh no, I will spiral and gain so much weight. Now I know, if I am nourishing my body, making the choices that I want, the scale doesn’t matter. 

Would you recommend working with me to others? If so, why? 

I would absolutely recommend you! Struggling with your weight, body image, food addiction whatever it may be is HARD and to try and conquer it on your own, is impossible. I truly believe that. I had tried every single thing you can think of for 20+ years and it was only until I started working your program that I can proudly say, I am free!

If someone is thinking of working with me but is on the fence; what would you tell this person?

LEAP. Take the chance on yourself because you deserve it. We all know how hard this battle is but there is no quick fix, there is no set number that will make us happy, there is no magic diet, the work that needs to be done is mental. It is how we have been conditioned by society/family whomever for so many years and it is time to let that all go. To do that alone, will be impossible because in order to get out of your head, you need the guidance of someone else otherwise, you will just keep circling with yourself. Don’t second guess for a second, I would have NEVER EVER thought that after 20+ years of dieting, binge eating, I could proudly, confidently say I love myself. I can do that because of Gabi.

If you’re ready to be like J and transform your relationship with food and your body then apply for my Ditch the Diet program today so we can get you started on the path to food freedom!


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