How to Handle Diet Talk

Let’s be honest, diet talk is everywhere! Whether you are with family, at a social function, going for a meal or even picking your kids up from school, you most likely have run into some kind of diet talk conversation.


And that conversation makes you want to CRINGE! You hate it, it makes you feel uncomfortable and most of all you don’t want your kids to hear it.


So how do you stop a diet talk conversation? Let me show you with 3 different options.


Option 1- Remove yourself

You have 100% permission to leave the conversation. Yes, I mean physically remove yourself from the conversation and go talk to someone else, check in with your kids or even just go for a walk. You NEVER have to stay in a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable.


Option 2- Combat the talk with facts

You can combat any diet talk with facts in order to get someone to stop. Try this, “Hey Sara, the diet you were talking about sounds interesting, but did you know diets actually don’t work? They have a greater than 90% fail rate and most people gain MORE weight back after. Isn’t that crazy?”


Option 3- Speak up

For the mamas who work with me, by the time they finish my program they are usually using this option. This is because they are confident in WHY they do not follow diets and do not want their kids exposed to diet talk. So, they get in mama bear mode and speak up to shut the diet talk down.  Try directly saying, “please don’t talk about diets in front of my kids. I am working with a dietitian (or on my relationship with food) so my daughter can grow up loving her body and never have to diet so can you please not talk about weight loss, calories, not loving your body, etc when we are around?” You are the mom and you get to make the rules. It’s 100% okay to speak up and ask someone to stop! Trust me, there is someone else in the room who is probably very thankful you spoke up!


I’d love to know, which option do you feel the most comfortable using?!


Why your language matters when it comes to pregnancy


Testimonial- J, New York Mom