Do you tend to choose bigger clothes?

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Are you more prone to throwing on that oversized tee or big sweater? Do you ever try to wear that fitted tank, but become super uncomfortable and overwhelmed? If you said yes to either of these questions, then this blog post is for you.

         I know it can be convenient to throw on an oversized tee, but what is your WHY behind it? Sometimes it can be the style you’re going for, or simply your go-to comfort outfit, but many times it may be….


●      Trying to hide your rolls, cellulite, etc

●      Thinking others will look at you and judge if you wear something different

●      Feeling “safer” in baggy clothes

●      Not having to worry about adjusting your clothes all day long


When your relationship with food and your body is not at its greatest, you might lean more towards the oversized sweaters, long shirts to cover up, nothing that shows your cleavage, etc. Don’t get me wrong, some peoples’ styles may just be more conservative, but hiding your body can also be a sign of insecurity.

If you’re still unsure, think of a time when you had a bad body image day - you probably didn’t throw on your tightest dress, but something loose and flowy. Bettering your relationship with your body is understandably hard, and sometimes loose clothes are just part of the process!

BUT, try to be more aware of this when getting dressed in the morning or for a night out. WHY are you changing into something less fitted? You CAN rock that bodycon dress or that fitted tank! If you’re not there yet, it’s ok to experiment and find different styles you feel good in while also going out of your comfort zone.

So many people buy a size up or more when shopping just so the clothing fits looser. Is this needed? Sometimes yes, sometimes no - it is absolutely a preference. 

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I wish I could wear this, but XYZ…” Let me challenge you - next time you go shopping try to purchase ONE item that is different from your usual purchases. Something that you think you can’t pull off because XYZ, but you’ve always wanted to try! 

P.S. You CAN pull off anything!!


Can you be confident and insecure at the same time?


Non-weight related compliments