Why your language matters when it comes to pregnancy

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

We all have known someone who has been pregnant before, or you may have even been pregnant yourself! (Props to you, you’re a rockstar!!)

Pregnancy has its own set of challenges for women who don’t have an eating disorder or a disordered way of eating. So you can only imagine how it may be for women who do struggle with their eating habits and body image. Gaining weight can be difficult for people who have struggled with this. During pregnancy our bodies change, expand, and grow a whole human being! At the end of the day, every woman carries differently, so no one else has the right to judge or tell you what you should be doing with your body.

As soon as you start showing, people automatically have something to say. Whether it is family, friends, or a stranger in the grocery store - their words can be extremely detrimental to one’s mental health.

How can you be more mindful about how you approach a pregnant woman? Here are some examples of things to say to someone who is pregnant and things not to say to someone who is pregnant:


What to say to someone who is pregnant:

●      Being pregnant suits you / you are glowing!

●      Do you need help with anything?

●      How amazing is it to know you’re growing a life inside you?!

●      You’re doing the best you can - pregnancy is challenging!

●      Congratulations, you’re already a great mother!

●      What can I do to make your life a bit easier?

●      Lets get some food to nourish you and the baby!


What NOT to say to someone who is pregnant:

●      Don’t eat too much, it’ll be so hard to lose the weight

●      You look so swollen and uncomfortable

●      Oh my god, are those stretch marks?!

●      Do you still fit into your jeans?

●      You look like you’re about to pop any minute!

●      You carry the extra weight well!

●      I hope your delivery isn’t as painful as mine!

●      OMG are you having triplets!? 


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