Back to school!

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe

Hey mamas! How are you doing today? These past couple months may have felt pretty hectic and never ending. Back to school can be extremely rough and exhausting! Because of Covid you may have gotten used to being home pretty much all the time, and sending your children back to school may have been a hard decision for you! (We totally get it!!) 


While it’s been challenging for you, it’s probably just as challenging for your children! This is definitely an adjustment for everyone. No matter what age your child is at, all they care about is having a loving, happy home to return to.


You’re an amazing mom if:

●      You make homemade meals frequently

●      You buy McDonalds because you simply don’t have the energy

●      You add fruits to their lunch bag

●      You add cookies to their lunch bag

●      You cleaned your home from top to bottom

●      You don’t want to clean this weekend


The last thing your child needs right now is pressure from dieting and restrictions. Any diets and restrictions you’re putting on yourself, you’re also putting on your child. Even if you let them eat what they want, they’re watching you! Children copy everything their mothers and fathers do. Without knowing, you may be teaching them:

●      Dieting is the most important thing

●      Restrictions are normal

●      Sugar is bad, salad is good

●      Losing weight is a big goal in life

●      Being in a bigger body means you’re unhealthy


          While all those points are untrue, your children may grow up to believe them, causing disordered eating or maybe even result in an eating disorder. Now is your chance to stop this ongoing battle of destruction! So, if you’re ready to make a change once and for all, then apply for the back to school group coaching program!  This 8 week small group coaching program (less than 6 mamas in the group) will help you transform your relationship with food and your body so that you no longer have to stress over dieting and your food choices and so that your daughter has the opportunity to grow up enjoying all foods and appreciating her body! Click here to apply and lets create a better mindset for not only yourself, but your children, your grandchildren, and so on!                  

             Also, here is a link for 80+ 30 minute dinner recipes! While you may be feeling stressed out, maybe this can be a helpful start to enjoying food with your children again, and even getting them involved in the cooking process!


Are you fatphobic?


Is it time to work on your relationship with food?