Are you fatphobic?

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe

What?! You may be thinking… “Is that even a thing? And NO! Of course I am not.” 


Well, believe it or not, fatphobia is a huge problem in our society. Fatphobia can be the fear of being fat/gaining weight, or the dislike of fat people.

Many people with disordered eating DO fall into this category, because they are scared of gaining weight and being considered “fat.”


Now that you’re thinking about it - maybe you have been scared to look “fat.” No, you are not a bad person! Just about every person who has ever suffered with bad body image and disordered eating have also experienced this. 


Ask yourself these questions: Why am I scared to gain weight? Is it because you’re scared of gaining health problems? Or is it because you’re scared of how you will look? Chances are, you’re scared of looking “fat.”


The problem is not looking “fat.” It never was. The problem is the criticism and opinions people have over individuals in larger bodies. That is what you’re really scared of.


Did you know:

●      Larger bodies are hired less

●      Larger bodies are promoted less

●      Larger bodies have to pay extra for clothing that fits

●      Larger bodies are publicly shamed everyday


These are HUGE problems that are around due to fatphobia! Being in a larger body does not equal being unhealthy. Many people put the two together, but health actually comes in all shapes and sizes. There is no way to tell someone’s health by looking at them. EVERY body deserves the same respect & kindness.


Why you may have been fatphobic at one point:

●      Your parents may have labeled food as good or bad when you were younger or may have even commented on what you ate

●      You may follow fitness “influencers” on social media who promote weight loss shakes/pills/teas

●      You’ve looked up to celebrities your whole life & thought looking like them would make you happier!


Our world is in NEED for some body positivity right now. While I get it can be hard, we need to start somewhere. People in smaller bodies and people in larger bodies both have experienced some kind of backlash or negative comments about their bodies. NOW is the time to stand up for ALL bodies!


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