Is it time to work on your relationship with food?

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe

Let’s talk about your relationship with food & your relationship with yourself. Start by asking yourself these three questions – 

Do you view food as the enemy?

This means  

  1. You may be scared to eat certain foods

  2. You may restrict certain food groups

  3. You may blame food for how you feel emotionally


Do you think the way you look affects how people treat you?

Do you think if you’re in a larger body that people will think you don’t exercise?

Do you think if you’re in a larger body that people will think you eat junk food all day?

Do you think if you’re in a smaller body that people will think you’re on a diet?

Do you think if you’re in a smaller body that people will think you workout everyday?


Do you label your days “good” or “bad” depending on what you ate that day?

If you ate a cookie before dinner you may think you “cheated” & had a “bad” day

If you ate an apple before dinner you may think you’re “on track” & had a “good” day


Do you look up the menu to a restaurant to make sure there are healthy options?

This may not sound like an unhealthy thing to do, but if you want the burger instead of the salad - go for it!! You’re supposed to enjoy your time out instead of obsessing over which dinner choice has the least amount of calories.


 If you answered YES to any of those questions, you may have an unhealthy relationship with food and yourself.


You may be thinking...what exactly is an unhealthy relationship with food?

An unhealthy relationship with food is having an obsession with food. Thinking about food constantly, feeling guilty when eating certain food, and even weighing yourself constantly. 


How can this be detrimental?

Having an unhealthy relationship with food leads to an unhealthy relationship with yourself, and can impact every aspect of your life. School, work, relationships, friendships - it can start to take a toll on your mental AND physical health. When disordered eating takes over, you’re not living your life. It takes extreme work to overcome, but it CAN be done.


What you can do to help yourself

  1. Affirmations! Affirmations are my best friend. Start by telling yourself a couple affirmations when you wake up & before you go to bed.


 “I am beautiful and I am complete the way I am” & “I love & respect myself”

2. Learn by reading!

Body Positive Power: Because Life Is Already Happening and You Don't Need Flat Abs to Live It  by Megan Jayne Crabbe

It is available on Amazon for only $8.99 or there's even a FREE audible download of the whole book!

3. Seek 1:1 help

Gabi Kahn, the owner of Methodd Nutrition, offers a free 1:1 consultation for anyone who applies to work with her! Click on the link below to get started:


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