What you do RIGHT NOW to feel good about your postpartum body & new lifestyle

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Don’t worry, postpartum is a huge learning process there are no right and wrongs! Here are a few of my tips to help you now.


●      Rest. You need to heal. Although it’s hard, try to sleep as much as you can. Take turns with your partner, or your parents, and nap.

●      If you want to - get dressed for the day. Whether that be doing a little makeup, brushing your hair, or putting different clothes on. Prepare for your new postpartum body by buying loose, comfortable clothes ahead of time. (Long dresses are great for the fourth trimester!)

●      Exercise. No, I do not mean go running right after giving birth. But stretch, walk a few feet, and try to get some sunshine! (You have to get cleared from your doctor to exercise fully).

●      Talk to your partner, or any supporter about how you’re feeling. Chances are, it is completely normal. There are going to be many emotions during this transitional time.

●      Eat! You need food to nourish yourself and the new life you brought into the world. You deserve to fuel your body!

●      Dedicate time for yourself. Whether you have 5 minutes or 1 hour! Choose to care for yourself in that time frame. Whether it’s a simple face mask or a long bath, it’ll help you feel like you again.


Here is a small article and video of other mother’s and their feelings towards postpartum: https://www.babycenter.com/baby/postpartum-health/feeling-good-about-your-post-baby-body_11813


Remember, you’re not alone in any of this! Every mother understands your pain, excitement, confusion, and more. Your body is going to change, expand, and stretch in order to create your little one. Your body and your life is going to be different, but you do not need to lose yourself in the process. These things are inevitable, and can be such an empowering time in your life! 


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