What’s a non-diet dietitian?

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe

Revised by: Gabi Kahn, MS, RD, LDN


The owner of Methodd Nutrition, Gabi Kahn, is a registered dietitian who is extremely passionate about intuitive eating and improving each and every one of her client’s relationships with food and their body. As her intern, I have the same passion, and hope to reach her level of professionalism someday soon! Gabi is known as a non-diet dietitian. Many people are confused with this term.


When people read “non-diet dietitian” they may think:

●      So she just lets people eat everything in sight & not care??

●      How is she a dietitian if she doesn’t focus on weight loss?

●      I don't understand...that’s not healthy 


            This is such an important topic to cover because many times people do not take the title of a non-diet dietitian seriously or feel like they are not doing their job as a registered dietitian. This is completely false. This title does NOT mean they are encouraging you to eat fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day. A non-diet dietitian simply helps their clients improve their relationship with food and their body by helping them to let go of dieting and dieting behaviors, incorporate all food groups and teach them how to trust and listen to their body again.


            So, why is a non-diet dietitian against dieting? Well simply put, most diets fail, end up causing more weight gain, and can lead to someone creating a broken relationship with food and their body. Worst of all, they can wind up causing eating disorders, disordered eating, fatigue, irritability, and bingeing.


            Even though it may seem scary to let go of dieting, there are so many benefits you may experience. For example, you may notice that you’ve stopped bingeing since you’ve allowed yourself permission to enjoy all foods, more energy throughout the day and the ability to be present with your kids because you are now having well balanced meals that include carbs, the physical energy to perform exercise you enjoy since you’re nourishing yourself consistently and you’ll stop thinking about food 24/7 because you have let go of dieting and allow all foods in your life so you are now able to focus on the other things in life that are more important than what your next meal may be. Furthermore, a non-diet dietitian promotes creating a positive relationship with food and your body at any shape and size.


            A non-diet dietitian is up to date on the scientific evidence and knows that anyone can be healthy at any shape and size. Seriously!! It is okay if it is hard to let go of the idea of weight loss, but a non-diet dietitian will ask you to put weight loss on the back burner and instead focus on creating a healthy relationship with food and your body first. A lot of times, when we heal our relationship with food and our body, we no longer desire weight loss!


            Being a non-diet dietitian is so powerful in today’s society. Mixing health with confidence is important for every person. No matter your shape or size, you are allowed to obtain a healthy relationship with food, self-acceptance and even self-love. For many people, finding peace with food and achieving self-love seems like a faraway goal. Gabi and I hope to help that become a more reachable goal. With the help of our community, we hope you can gain a positive relationship with food and your body. 


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