Methodd Nutrition Community

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

How are you ladies feeling today? Maybe you feel good...maybe you’re feeling completely off. Either way, it’s ok. Know that you’re going to have days when you feel like the world is against you, but there’s also going to be days where you feel like everything is working out the way it’s supposed to.


With the New Year coming up, you may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. 2020 has been hard enough, and I know having a negative relationship with food and your body made it so much more challenging. Do these thoughts sound familiar?


-       “I need to start a diet this New year”

-       “I really need to start going to the gym!”

-       “This year I need to get into shape and take dieting seriously!”


            Dieting is NOT the answer! The New Year, new me mentality has got to go! You’re doing amazing just the way you are, and do not need to change yourself for anyone or anything. If you’ve caught yourself saying similar statements, it is time for you to start working on your relationship with food and yourself!


            The owner of Methodd Nutrition, Gabi, and I have started a private Facebook group where anyone can join! We want to welcome you with open arms, guide you, and give you the unconditional support that you need! This group can be so helpful, and show you that you are never alone in this! We want to provide you with education, tips, advice, and more. 


            This private group is called Methodd Nutrition Community. Gabi and I want this group to be filled with amazing ladies who need some change in their life. Now is an amazing opportunity to work on yourself, in the right way.


            We do not want you to suffer this New Year. It is time to do something for yourself that is not only going to help you, but help your children! Your children will notice a huge change in the way you act, speak, and do everyday things! 


            I hope you ALL have an amazing New Year, and get out of that vicious diet cycle, so that 2021 can actually be different for you! Let’s not repeat past mistakes, and start accepting ourselves for who we are!


            Down below is the link to join our group, 

Methodd Nutrition Community:


What’s a non-diet dietitian?


New year, new me? Why WW is not the answer.