Summer’s coming!

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Hi, you! The coldness seems to be coming to an end, and warmer days are ahead. Wherever you live, the temperature is probably slowly rising. With that being said, I know this can be an extremely anxious time for some. You can’t throw on a sweatshirt, or big sweater to cover up. If you suffer from low self esteem you might relate to this. Don’t get me wrong, I think just about everyone loves a big cozy hoodie, but not when the meaning behind wearing it is to hide yourself!

            Bathing suit season, shorts, and tank tops can be a really scary experience for a lot of people. Summer may even be your least favorite season because it’s too hot for certain comfort clothes.

            The thing about self confidence, is that you cannot do something you’re uncomfortable with! Jumping from oversized sweatshirts to a bikini overnight will make you feel more uncomfortable than anything. Starting small, and taking baby steps may be the right way to go!


How to feel more confident in warmer weather:


●      Like I said, baby steps! Do not buy something that you can’t picture yourself wearing!

●      Browse online the styles you like (Maybe pinterest!)

●      I suggest shopping in stores to try on multiple different styles to find your favorite pieces!

●      If you’re not used to showing your legs, maybe try a maxi dress or skirt!

●      If you’re not used to exposing your arms, try a light kimono or cardigan!

●      If bikinis have always scared you, try a one-piece to start off!

●      Experiment and make sure you’re comfortable


            You do not have to hide your body this summer! The key thing here is to play with different styles, and find what you’re most comfortable in. If you make some changes now, maybe the following summer you will be able to show your legs or rock that bikini! (Or maybe one-pieces will always be your thing, and that’s ok too!) Although these suggestions are appearance based, it’s not to change how you look or change your style at all! These suggestions are to hopefully change your mindset and allow your self esteem to improve at your own pace!


P.S. All bodies are bathing suit ready!!


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