Can you be confident and insecure at the same time?

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Something that has been heavy on my mind recently, is if it’s possible to be confident and insecure at the same time..

I’ve come to the conclusion that YES, that is very much possible and actually completely normal. Not a single soul on this planet is confident or insecure every second of their life.

Although it’s best to work on your confidence and self acceptance each day, it is ok to acknowledge that you don’t like yourself some days. You may be thinking…”What?? Shouldn’t we love ourselves everyday?”

Truth is, that’s just not realistic for many. When you’re having a bad body image day or a bad day surrounding food, the quicker you realize WHY the better. Once you know your triggers you can more easily tell yourself that it is ok to be uncomfortable right now, and that this isn’t going to last forever.


What can you do on days where you feel insecure and not your best?

  • First, acknowledge why. (Even if the answer is you just woke up feeling bad)

  • Try not to lash out at yourself or others. Communicating with yourself and others that you’re having a bad day is always best.

  • Take a mental health day if you can. 

  • Tell yourself some realistic affirmations. (Ex: I am good enough)

  • Journal your emotions out!

  • Make your favorite food or order your favorite takeout!

  • Talk to a friend who also struggles from time to time.

  • Take a bath or a shower for longer than usual.

  • Ask for help! (There’s no shame in this)

  • Wear what you feel comfortable in, even if it’s a baggy tee. Some days it may be impossible to be comfortable in anything.

Whether you’re known for being super confident and the life of the party or you’re just starting to work on your relationship with food and your body, there are going to be bad days.

The more you work on your self love, self acceptance, body neutrality, and food freedom, the more confident days you will have. It takes a lot of time to get there, and the journey is never ending. It is not about being perfect, but about accepting that it’s normal to have insecure days even if you feel like you’re the most confident woman ever.


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