Pillow Talk

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Hey mamas, let’s talk sex! I know this can be a bit taboo for some of you, and that’s ok. Luckily, you can read this whenever you get a chance to be alone. Pour yourself a tall glass of water, or a glass of wine, take a nice bath, and get into bed. Take a few deep breaths for me and think about your sex life. Is it active? Is it non-existent? 

I am here to tell you that whatever your answer is, it is completely normal. Have you been feeling insecure in the bedroom? Is your sex drive low? These are common things that can occur when you have bad body image.


Here are some signs that you may struggle with your body image:

●      You don’t think any clothes look good on you except your “usual” everyday outfits

●      You constantly think about your appearance & how to change it to make yourself look “better”

●      You compare yourself to others & feel overwhelmed in large crowds

●      You have an unhealthy relationship with food


You may be scared that your bad body image is not only affecting you, but your relationship too. Do you want to have sex more, but are never in the mood? Or maybe you’re perfectly content with being inactive, and that’s fine as well!

But, if you’re continuously uncomfortable, talk to your partner about it, and try to set some boundaries that will help you ease into things. (And remember, all couples have different preferences, and it is completely normal for some to have sex once a week, or even once a month).


Here are a list of things you can do to feel more comfortable in your body when it comes to sex:

●      Buy some lingerie / cute pajamas that you feel sexy in

●      Again, open up to your partner about how you’re feeling

●      Dedicate a night where grandparents get the kids

●      Go on a date / do something you and your partner enjoy doing together that you haven’t done in awhile

●      Treat yourself to a new manicure, or go get a haircut! Sometimes this can make you feel completely refreshed

            On top of bad body image, you may suffer from a negative relationship with food. With communication, your partner will understand and they may even be going through similar emotions. Personally, something that has helped me, is finding a recipe, going to the grocery store, and cooking a homemade meal with my partner. Cooking together can be a huge act of love and appreciation.

            I want you to feel sexy and confident in your skin! Whether having sex often will encourage this, or rarely having sex will encourage this, do what’s right for you! It doesn’t matter what shape or size you are, you deserve to feel beautiful and lovable!


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