Why your language matters this holiday season

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

Your mother complained about her body, she dieted, and the holidays were a hard time since it always led to her feeling worse in her body. And now, unfortunately, you feel this same way too. The holidays are not only tough because of all the food triggers around, but also because it leads you to feeling worse in your body.


Here is the thing. Your daughter hears and sees everything you do. If the day of Thanksgiving you go to get dressed and get really upset about how your favorite pair of stretchy jeans don’t fit you, and you shed a few tears in your closet… then your daughter will feel that if her body changes, she should be sad and ashamed.


You see, the best way to protect your daughter from ever having an unhealthy relationship with her body is by leading by example.


Even if it is uncomfortable to get ready and you still don’t feel great in your body, please get ready without any negative comments.

 No more:

“I wish I was 10 pounds lighter”

“Ugh, my jeans are tight again. I am fat”

“I hate my body”

“My love handles are showing in these pants”


All of these statements are negative statements about your body and affect your daughter


Instead try this:

Get ready with 0 comments. Just neutral feelings

Say one thing you appreciate about your body in the mirror, “I am so happy for my stomach. It allowed me to carry you into this world”

Use an affirmation, “My body is worthy at any shape and size”


Now I’d love to know, how do you plan on being a positive example for your daughter this Thanksgiving?


Testimonial from a New York Mom


Pillow Talk