Restaurant Menus

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

We ALL enjoy going out to eat. Going to a restaurant and picking a meal off the menu is one of my favorite things to do. I love trying new foods and getting each and every course! I always look up the menu prior to going out, as I enjoy exploring all the options to make sure I pick my favorite meal!


Do you look up the menu before going to a restaurant?


If yes...ask yourself these questions?

●      Why am I looking up the menu?

●      Am I searching for the lowest calorie option?

●      Am I genuinely curious about what they offer?

●      Am I nervous there won’t be any healthy options?


Your WHY as to why you’re doing this, is very important to understanding how your relationship with food is.


If you look up the menu, like me, to browse your options and get excited about the possibilities, then go ahead!


If you look up the menu, because you want to make sure there are salads, or anything low calorie because you’re scared to order something high in calories, this could potentially be very harmful for your wellbeing.


If what you enjoy is a big salad, then order it! But if you’re scared of indulging in foods you’s time to stop googling menus!


When you go out to a restaurant, the last thing you want to feel is guilty for eating cheesy fries! This is your sign to go out to eat with a loved one tonight and devour those fries! It is ok to eat the foods you crave, love, and desire!


Restaurants are supposed to be somewhere you go for fun, or for a night out! The last thing you want is your bad relationship with food to get in your way and discourage you from enjoying your night.


Some quick ways to begin ending this vicious cycle:


●      Don’t look up the menu! Surprise yourself when you get there and try to go with the flow.

●      Start including your cravings into your diet! Your body is telling you what it wants!

●      Stop counting calories. This may be hard for some, but there are other ways to reach your health goals! Calories really don’t need to be tracked.

●      Stop calling restaurant nights “cheat days!” You’re not cheating, you’re living!!


Halloween Affirmations


Chocolate Zucchini Muffins