WHY self-care matters

When was the last time you took a moment for yourself?

 Can you even remember the last time?!


It’s hard mama, I get it! You are taking care of the kids all day, quarantined at home and just trying to make it through each day.


Now, I am not trying to add another thing to your plate, I am actually trying to help lessen the stress by adding in self-care.


Whether you have 5 minutes or 15 minutes, let’s find ways to add in a little self-care every day.


Why is this so important? Because self-care keeps us sane, reminds us to take a breath, take care of and appreciate the body we are in!


So, here are some selfcare ideas:


5 minutes or less:

-       Taking deep breaths. In through the nose, extend your belly and out through the mouth. You can also do this with calming music in the background

-       Meditation- you can use a guided meditation or even repeat your own mantra

-       Journaling- write down what you are grateful for, your intentions for the day and an affirmation.

- Enjoying a warm beverage- brew the cup of tea or coffee you love, sip and enjoy peacefully and calmly 


10-15 minutes:

-       Face mask- most face masks only take 10 minutes so add the extra 5 minutes in for clean up! Also, if you want to make your face mask even more glamorous and relaxing, try using a face mud mask brush. It’s a soft rubber brush to spread the mask out on your face so your hands don’t have to get your hands dirty, but wow, does it feel amazing!

-       Drawing- it’s 100% okay to find drawing or coloring books a fun way to take care of yourself during the day

- Read a book- allow yourself some time to enjoy a chapter of your favorite book or the one you have been dying to start!

-       Walk- it may be a short walk, but at least it gives you the chance to walk around, move your body and feel good!

-       Close your eyes- set the timer for 15 minutes and allow yourself to be with your thoughts and maybe even take a quick 15-minute power nap.

So, mama, how do you plan on adding in self-care?


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Sumer Ice Pops!