Sorry, but no diet can combat Covid

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

Have you heard people talk about the ways they are fighting off covid? Maybe they’re taking extra vitamins...or maybe they are eating “healthier.”


The truth food is going to prevent you from getting covid! Yes, taking vitamins may boost your immune system, but the only way to avoid getting covid the best you can is to:

●      Social distance

●      Wash your hands often

●      Wear a mask to protect yourself and others


There is no magical cure to any sickness! Food, or restricting foods especially will not prevent you from getting a cold, the flu, covid, etc. From cold weather, to not washing your hands after a trip to the grocery store can be the reason you get ill during this time. If anything, now more than ever, you want to include all food groups on your plate to get the necessary nutrients and energy you will need. 


I came across an article that said that drinking water with lemon will prevent you from getting covid. Read that again. Doesn’t that sound a bit absurd? You know by now that covid is spread by coughing, sneezing, touching surfaces, and more. So how can lemon water help you? I don’t want you guys to fall into these traps, and try a bunch of nonsense that will wind up not benefitting you at all.


Here is an article stating the food myths that some have been raving about with no supporting evidence:


The Keto diet has also been said to combat covid. Refer back to my previous blog post about the Keto diet to read more about why Keto is never a good choice. It definitely does not prevent you from getting covid, and could in fact even make you feel sick from lack of fiber and nutrients. 


I hope that you all are being as safe as possible during these times and are taking care of yourself in every way. By this I mean physically, mentally, and emotionally. Taking care of yourself should be your number one priority. If you’re not taken care of, you won’t be able to take care of your family with your full potential. Your children are looking up to you, and you are a huge role model for them. Show them that all food is good food, and nourishing your body is the best thing you can do for yourself. Keep you and your family safe during this pandemic by following the rules and not listening to random articles that you may come across. There is absolutely no evidence that links food to the prevention of covid, so please be careful, and continue trying to eat all food groups!


New year, new me? Why WW is not the answer.


Keto… why it is not the diet for you.