Importance of getting in the photo

Written by: Angelica Guadalupe, Intern

How do you react when someone asks you to take a picture together? Maybe you get hesitant or even tell them no.

Especially during these hot months filled with different adventures, beach trips, and more. It can feel impossible to feel comfortable in your body when someone wants to snap a photo. 

This summer I challenge you to say “Yes, of course!” anytime someone wants to take a picture with you. Pictures are the only way we can capture the moment forever!

Benefits of getting in the photo!!

  • Your partner, friend, or child is not focusing on your body, but focusing on remembering the moment!

  • Your family loves you and wants to remember you for all that you are!

  • To create memories that you can smile and look back on.

  • You may really love the photo (new lockscreen?)

I promise, no one is looking at you or  judging you more than yourself!! Think about it, do you ever go to the beach and look for people to judge and criticize? Of course not! You’re your own worst critic.

It’s ok if your stretch marks, loose skin, scars, cellulite, etc. are showing in pictures. They are a part of you, and they’re nothing to be ashamed about. I know it can be a challenge to be comfortable with your “flaws,” but with time you CAN become neutral about them.

Getting in the photo this summer whether you’re at the beach, pool, or your backyard is so important in improving your relationship with your body! You can feel confident while also remembering that you are more than your physical appearance.

Practice getting in the pictures and liking the flattering and unflattering angles. Your children, family, and friends (& yourself) will be so happy to have these shared memories together!

Take a moment and think: What do you think about when looking at pictures of your kids or loved ones? Definitely not their body, but the kind of person they are!


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