Every Body is Bathing Suit Ready

It’s 4th of July weekend, and everyone is going to be out, in bathing suits, enjoying the sun, the heat, family and friends, and delicious food and beverages. 


But where will you be?


I don’t mean literally, I mean mentally. Where will your headspace be?


Will you be preoccupied with sucking in, hiding your body or wondering if you look “fat”? Or, will you be living in the present, enjoying the sun, BBQs and sweet drinks as well as time with friends and family.


I don’t want you to suffer with your body anymore. I don’t want your precious headspace to be occupied by negative body thoughts…


So, this 4th of July I want you to focus on feeling GOOD in your body, because remember, every body is bathing suit ready!


Here are two tips:


1.     Wear a bathing suit that feels GOOD on your body. 


If wearing a high-waisted bikini, a one-piece bathing suit with a skirt or even a funky cover up makes you feel good, then wear it! Body acceptance is about learning how to accept the body you are in, but also accepting that it is okay to accessorize with pieces that make you feel good. It’s not to hide your body, but it is to make you feel more comfortable. 


If wearing a string bikini or super cut out one-piece makes you feel good too, then wear it! It’s all about how YOU feel! Remember, EVERY BODY is bathing suit ready!


2.     Appreciate your body


From now to 4th of July (and after!) I want you to start your morning by waking up, looking in the mirror and saying one thing you love or appreciate about your body. Even bigger challenge, look at the areas that are the most challenging for you and say one thing you appreciate about them. 


For example, I have wider hips, which was something I struggled to accept for a while. Now I look in the mirror and appreciate my wider hips and say, “thank you hips for providing my body with the support I need!”


Here are two other examples:


Your stomach! Rather than pinching it in the mirror and feeling sorry for your body, appreciate it. “Thank you stomach for being there for me, for birthing my healthy kids and for the fat I have to protect my organs. I appreciate you.”


Your arms! “Thank you arms for allowing me to pick up my kids, to reach for toys and for being a vital part of my body.” Touch the parts you are uncomfortable about like the skin there and say, “thank you”. 


I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, when you learn to normalize, appreciate and love your body you will see your fears around being in bathing suit go away! Sure, a bathing suit may always be a somewhat uncomfortable thing (I mean, we are half naked!), but at least we are learning how to accept our body in the process!


So, enjoy your holiday weekend, appreciate your body, wear the bathing suit that feels GOOD on you now and know that I am here to support you throughout the process! 


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