How To Rephrase Your Food Comments In Front Of Kids

Imagine your daughter is enjoying pasta at the dinner table, but you see that she is about to finish her serving. You immediately go to say, ““Slow down! Are you sure you want another bite?”. BUT you stop yourself. Why? Because before you can go to make a comment you are now going to think about what your comment really means. Remember these statements apply more towards your relationship with food than hers.


Step 1: Before you go to make a comment, stop and think about what it really means. What is your food fear or food rule that is popping up here?


Step 2: rephrase this comment. You probably have a reason for saying it, but what is one way you could rephrase it?


Rather than telling her to slow down, ask her how she feels in her body right now. This teaches her how to acknowledge her hunger and fullness cues, trust and listen to her body. So, how about making a comment like, “I see you are enjoying the food! How does your tummy feel right now?”. This encourages your daughter to identify whether she is full or still hungry and then she can make the decision as to whether she wants to eat more!


The point is, most of our comments have more to do with our relationship with food rather than our daughter’s. If you follow this 2-step guide, then you will be well on your way to learning more about your relationship with food and eliminating diet talk in the house!


I’d love to know in the comments below how you are trying to rephrase your comments!


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